Sunday, March 17, 2013

Action Planning Template

Action Planning Template
Goal: To determine if the implementation of technology used in applied classes increases student achievement.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Research various sources to gather information about the benefits of technology in applied classes.

Monica Billek-Burton
March 18th  2013
March 30th  2013
Professional Readings, Blogs
Collection of professional readings such as articles, podcasts, and blogs as reference

Survey teachers regarding their comfort level and familiarity with their classroom use of technology.

Monica Billek-Burton
April 12th  2013-April 29th 2013
Google forms for Surveys
Spread sheet with answers from surveys
Survey students regarding their familiarity and comfort levels with technology.

April 12th 2013- April 29th 2013
Google form for survey
Spread sheet with answers from survey
Examine prior year TAKs, Proficiency and Benchmark scores of students to get a baseline of student performance
Monica Billek-Burton,  Teachers
March 22nd , 2013 – April 10th
Data collected from student hard or electronic folders : TAKS, Proficiency,
Spreadsheet of student data
Meet with teachers to provide tools for creating and implementing technology into their lesson plans.
Monica Billek-Burton, Teachers
April, 2013
Binders with tools such as websites and ideas and examples of lessons for various subjects
Teacher responses
Join technology committee ( “The Geek Squad”)
Monica Billek-Burton
March, 2013 – June, 2014
Question that teachers need investigated, and issues teachers are having with implementing technology
The committee  will assist with  evaluating the effectiveness of the types of technology being used, and looking at ways we can help teachers to incorporate technology effectively
Meet with teachers bi-weekly to provide ongoing mentorship
Monica Billek-Burton
April, 2013 – June, 2013
Professional development materials
Response to teachers inquiries
Based on data, determine which types of technology integration were the most effective
Monica Billek-Burton, Teachers, Site supervisor
June, 2013 – July, 2013
All data collected from surveys,
Researcher and Teacher notes, end of year student survey answers, and assessments
Conduct “exit” interviews at the end of the semester to establish teacher growth and increase of technology use
Monica Billek-Burton
June, 2013
Interview questions
Data will be collected and compared to earlier surveys to determine the impact of the use of technology
Share findings with site supervisor and teachers
Monica Billek-Burton
June, 2013
Report of findings
Demonstrate how implementation of technology affected student performance

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. I love the fact that you are researching technology as your plan!! I think technology is very important at kids education these days!! Good job!!

  2. We are in the 21st century. I love that your research involves technology as well. I will be looking forward and will be following your research.

  3. It looks cool, but my only concern is that you will be meeting with teachers bi-weekly during the summer time. Looks good otherwise, I know teachers want mentors to go along with new technology. I bet they will appreciate that, especially if you use google forms.

  4. Technology seems to be a huge topic. You are on the right track. Since taking this class and seeing many research plans like this one that focuses on technology implementation, I have tried to include a Tech Tip during planning with teachers. Maybe I should have consider how this will affect instruction in the classrooms. :) Thanks for sharing.
