Sunday, March 3, 2013

Action Research Journey

Action research is a powerful tool Administrators can use to facilitate change within his/her school.  It involves self-reflection of the researchers existing practices.  It is a systematic approach to solving problems and implementing change.  It requires the administrator to set aside time to ask the important questions, collect and analyze data, explore research options, and then begin the process of formulating a plan for change.  This process keeps the administrator actively involved, because it requires him/her to keep track of the interventions that have been put into action, by examining the progress or lack thereof, and if necessary,  reformulating a plan for redirection. Traditional research is in sharp contrast to action research in that the administrator is asked to rely on the expertise of outside professionals, who for the most part are university researchers and are removed from the culture of the school. The process of asking questions, data collecting and analyzing are steps that often have to be repeated in action research, but is essential for the process to be successful. Though it can be time consuming, action research is an investment that can yield great results for the improvement and benefit of the administrator and school.

Why take the time to engage in action research?

Action research is beneficial for many reasons.  It is very effective for improving teaching and learning, and provides the researcher opportunities for professional and personal growth.  The researcher can expand on his/her existing knowlede, and engage in collaborative discussions with fellow professionals, which can yield to measurable results.

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