Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 2 Reflection

Week two was stressful and painful both literally and physically!  I pulled my back and was incapacitated for most of the week, so here I am playing catch up!  On the brighter side, I'm grateful to have gotten an extension, and can say I gained great insight about action research from reading  Dana's Leading with Passion and Knowledge.  I have a much better understanding and appreciation for the process and importance of action research. It can be used for a variety of questions/problems by campus leaders and teachers alike.

I was able to meet with my site supervisor at the beginning of the week to discuss my topic for action research, which is the implementation of technology in applied classes to improve student achievement.  Since my background is in special education I'm really looking foward to conducting this research, which will hopefully prove to be a positive experience for all involved!

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